3 Simple Tricks To Becoming More Sustainable With Fashion

Holiday Shopper

The truthful reason we first decided to start an apparel brand is because we learned about the horrors of the fast fashion industry and the effect it has on the planet, and the people who make our clothes.

Seems counterproductive, right? Except one of the ways we're choosing to use our platform is to educate.

We're not talking in a dreary, scary way - but more in an inspirational, optimistic way.  Ways in which you can use your own personal buying power to make a difference.

A woman searches for clothing amid tons of garments discarded in the Atacama desert, in Alto Hospicio, Chile.Martin Bernetti/AFP via Getty Images

So in the spirit of seasonal Deals and Sales coming at you fast and furiously in time for Black Friday and Cyber Monday, here are our tips to being more sustainable with your purchasing {and your wallet}.

1. The #30wears Test

A campaign created by Eco Age, a company that certifies brands in sustainability, wanted to encourage us to only buy something new to wear if we knew we would wear it at least 30 times - And if that sounds like an average number of wears per piece to you, it's not.  

The average number of wears each garment actually gets is just 7 times.  It is then discarded {or donated - but we'll save this topic for another day}. 

2. Buy Second Hand Or Vintage

No matter how "sustainable" we produce or buy a garment - the only way fashion can truly be 100% sustainable is to never buy new again - but it doesn't need to be so extreme.  Lauren and I simply made the decision to stop shopping for reasons like a sale or "Black Friday".  No more shopping for the sake of it.  We do our research and make buying decisions based on need, not only want.

Clothing dedicated to a specific sport or season is going to have a tougher time being worn as much as our regular wardrobes, so here's what we're doing to help you love {and wear!} your Charming Sally Golf Apparel Collection set to launch next Summer 2022!

  • we're creating styles that feel and look like our regular wardrobe favorites - not simply a uniform we pull out for golf - so we'll want to wear them over and over again.
  • we're creating styles that work in other social settings.  As in, patios for drinks y'all, in addition to on the green. No more frumpy, boxy styles, patterns and fit. Feminine styles are coming!
  • many of the fabrics we're sourcing are recycled meaning that they were already milled and on the earth.  We're giving our fabrics a chance at a second life instead of heading to the landfill.

Buy Better Quality, Less Quantity

This is more of a mindset shift if you haven't shopped with high quality as the priority previously - however, when clothing is so cheap, someone ultimately pays the price. We are true believers of buying better, more eco-friendly pieces that truly reflect our personal style and values. This is how we become more sustainable with our wardrobes - to love the clothes we wear...for the longest time possible.

Y'know what's not going to be in style in another year?  The "it" color right now: FUSHCIA. Or the the "it" texture: FLEECE.  It's a hard no from us, y'all.

How about you? Does sustainability influence your shopping habits?  Let us know!


L & T

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